Last revised: Feb 1, 2024
How Renters can protect themselves
Choose one of the available plans that contractually limit the amount you’re legally obligated to pay out-of-pocket in the event of Physical Damage to the Vehicle that’s not eligible for protection, or fully covered by your own insurance
Interior damage or mechanical damage:
Our protection plans for Renters do not cover interior damage or mechanical damage
— you’re responsible for repair or replacement, as well as Related Costs, for interior damage or mechanical damage occurring during the rental period. Normal wear and tear to the interior or mechanical breakdowns not caused by your neglect or abuse, are not your responsibility. The limitation of financial responsibility available under the Standard, Minimum, Maximum plans doesn’t apply to interior damage or mechanical damage.
Protection options to limit out-of-pocket costs for Physical damage:
Minimum plan, Standard plan, Maximum plan
These plans are not insurance, they are a contract that set forth your level of responsibility during the applicable reservation if your booked vehicle suffers Physical damage
Minimum plan:
Under the Minimum plan, the amount that the Client is liable to pay out of their own pocket for Physical Damage (other than Mechanical or Interior Damage) to the Vehicle during the Rental period, plus Related Costs such as claims administrative fees and appraisal costs (and after exhaustion of any other applicable insurance), is contractually limited to $3,000
Standard plan:
Under the Standard plan, Renter must provide his own Car Rental Loss and Damage Insurance policy. The amount that the Client is liable to pay out of their own pocket for Physical Damage (other than Mechanical or Interior Damage) to the Vehicle during the Rental period, plus Related Costs such as claims administrative fees and appraisal costs (and after exhaustion of any other applicable insurance), is contractually limited to $1000.
Maximum plan:
Under the Standard plan, Renter must provide his own Car Rental Loss and Damage Insurance policy. The amount that the Client is liable to pay out of their own pocket for Physical Damage (other than Mechanical or Interior Damage) to the Vehicle during the Rental period, plus Related Costs such as claims administrative fees and appraisal costs (and after exhaustion of any other applicable insurance), is contractually limited to $0.
⚠️In the event of theft, Renter must return the keys and any remote control anti-theft device to us, if Renter do not comply with, any purchased supplementary protection Renter takes to reduce or eliminate Renter liability, will be void.
Renter's responsibilities
As the Renter, you are responsible for:
• Returning the booked vehicle on time in the same condition it was when you first received it
• Interior damage or mechanical damage
• Physical damage to the vehicle in the event of collision or comprehensive events, or theft of the vehicle (and Related costs) during the booked period, regardless of who is found to be at fault for the damage
• The actual cash value (ACV) of a vehicle if there's physical damage that result in it being total loss, plus Related costs, minus the salvage value, if any.
• Third party's death, wrongful death, bodily injury, any medical expenses, lost wages, loss of income, pain and suffering, physical health, any non-economic damages and property damage to the third parties
• Passanger's death, wrongful death, bodily injury, any medical expenses, lost wages, loss of income, pain and suffering, physical health, any non-economic damages and property damage to the passengers
• Renter's medical expenses, lost wages, loss of income, pain and suffering, physical health, any non-economic damages and property damage
• Renter's death, personal wrongful death, physical health
• The death of the passengers, Wrongful death of the passengers, physical health of the passengers
• Loss, theft or damage the keys or key fob to the Vehicle
• Damage caused by the smoke to the vehicle
• Total towing and storage cost, additional administration fees if the booked vehicle get towed, while in renter possession
• Empty tank
• Flat tire, jump-start for a booked car battery
• All Related costs
• Additional distance fee
• Excessive or specialized cleaning of the booked car
• Loss or theft of, any personal property of Client or data contained therein, carried in or left in the booked Vehicle or on ABC AUTOCARS’s premises during or after termination of the booking regardless of fault or negligence
• Verifying technical condition of the booked vehicle before start driving
• Traffic Fine, parking violation
• Violation ABC AUTOCAR policies
• Dump litter from a motor vehicle in any amount on any highway, road or street.
Liability protection:
ABC AUTOCARS does not extend any of its motor vehicle financial responsibility and ABC AUTOCARS does not provide any liability insurance coverage to Renter, Passengers, or Third parties through all Rental Agreements and Reservations unless ABC AUTOCARS is obligated to do so due to legal requirements or according to the rental agreement.
Limits on liability:
ABC AUTOCARS shall not be liable to Renter or any Third party for: • criminal trafic violation • driving in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property • ignored by Renter to conduct several technical vehicle inspections that leads to disregard for the safety of persons or property including pre-trip, en-route, and post-trip • dumping litter from a motor vehicle • traffic Fines, parking violations • all medical expenses • losses and costs • any damages • death • wrongful death • bodily injury • any medical expenses • lost wages • loss of income • pain and suffering • physical health • using a vehicle in the commission of a crime • any illegal action or behavior • use vehicle to traffic illegal drugs • consuming alcohol or smoke/ingest marijuana or any marijuana product while in a vehicle. • overspeeding • illegal posseccion of the vehicle • safety and security • A vehicle-ramming attack • violating civil rights, political terrorism • transporting a firearm, weapons with or without a permit • any non-economic damages and property damage • emergency weather alert • aware of driving rules and regulations of US • driving safety • obeying traffic laws • education of any safety driving • rental reimbursment in the event of a breach of a Rental Agreement and ABC AUTOCARS policies by Renter. • any indirect or unforeseeable loss or damages, including loss of profits or loss of opportunity. arising from the rental.
Our protection plans do not cover and ABC AUTOCARS is not responsible for:
• Interior damage or mechanical damage
• The actual cash value (ACV) of a vehicle if there's Physical damage that result in it being total loss, plus Related costs, minus the salvage value, if any.
• Third party's death, wrongful death, bodily injury, any medical expenses, lost wages, loss of income, pain and suffering, physical health, any non-economic damages and property damage to the third parties
• Passanger's death, wrongful death, bodily injury, any medical expenses, lost wages, loss of income, pain and suffering, physical health, any non-economic damages and property damage to the passengers
• Renter's medical expenses, lost wages, loss of income, pain and suffering, any non-economic damages and property damage
• Renter's death, personal wrongful death
• Prohibited uses of the booked vehicle
• Dump litter from a motor vehicle in any amount on any highway, road or street.
• Renter's common violations, infractions.
• The death of passengers, wrongful death of passengers
• Loss, theft or damage the keys or key fob to the Vehicle
• Damage caused by the smoke to the vehicle
• Total towing and storage cost, additional administration fees if the booked vehicle get towed, while in renter possession
• Empty tank
• Flat tire, jump-start for a booked car battery
• All Related costs
• Additional distance fee
• Loss or theft of, any personal property of Renter or data contained therein, carried in or left in the booked Vehicle or on ABC AUTOCARS’s premises during or after termination of the booking regardless of fault or negligence
• Excessive or specialized cleaning of the booked car
• Technical condition of the booked vehicle while in renter possession
• Traffic Fine, parking violation
Other conditions
Minimum, Standart, Maximum are not insurance, are
optional, and may duplicate other coverage that you
have. If you purchase Standart or Minimum, we waive
your responsibility for the portion of damage to or
loss of the Vehicle that is stated on the Rental
We will not waive your responsibility, even though
you purchased Maximum, Standart or Minimum, if you
gave us false, fraudulent or misleading information
prior to the rental or during the rental, and we
would not have rented the Vehicle to you or extended
the rental period, if we were given true
information; or if you fail to notify us and the
police of an accident, theft or vandalism involving
the Vehicle, or if damage to or loss of the Vehicle
is the result of a prohibited use, including damage
or loss that:
• is caused by anyone who is not authorized by ABC
AUTOCARS to drive;
• is caused by anyone under the influence of a drug
or alcohol;
• occurs while the Vehicle is used during the
commission of a felony or other crime, other than a
minor traffic violation;
• occurs while carrying persons or property for
hire, while pushing or towing anything, during any
race, speed test or contest, or while teaching
anyone to drive;
• results from carrying dangerous, hazardous, or
illegal material;
• results from use of the Vehicle outside the state
of Florida;
• is caused by driving on unpaved roads;
• occurs while transporting more persons than the
Vehicle has seat belts, while carrying persons
outside the passenger compartment, or while
transporting children without approved child safety
seats as required by law;
• occurs when the odometer has been tampered with or
• occurs when the Vehicle’s fluid levels are low, or
it is otherwise reasonable to expect you to know
that further operation would damage the Vehicle;
• is caused by carrying anything on the roof, trunk
or hood of the Vehicle, or by inadequately secured
cargo inside the Vehicle, or by an animal
transported in the Vehicle;
• occurs when the Vehicle is unlocked, or the keys
or key fob are lost, stolen or left in the Vehicle
when not operating it;
• is caused, where applicable, by anyone who lacks
experience operating a manual transmission;
• results from failure to allow sufficient height or
width clearance;
• results from your willful, wanton or reckless act
or misconduct;
• results from fueling with a type of fuel improper
for the specific Vehicle; or
• results from driving or operating the Vehicle
while using a hand-held wireless communication
device or other device that is capable of receiving
or transmitting telephonic communications,
electronic data, mail or text messages while not in
a hands-free mode. In the event of a loss due to
theft of the Vehicle, we will not waive your
responsibility for the loss unless you return to us
all the Vehicle keys or ignition devices including,
without limitation: tires, tools, equipment,
accessories and documents in, we gave you at the
time of rental.