Clients booking impacted by flight delays, flight cancellations, or lost baggage

Flight delays or flight cancellations

If a client’s flight is delayed or canceled, they must message ABC AUTOCARS to tell us and to request a booking modification for a new start time. If ABC AUTOCARS cannot or does not accommodate a new start time and the booking must be canceled, ABC AUTOCARS will issue the client a full refund if they’ve message to ABC AUTOCARS and provided documentation. Specifically, client must notify ABC AUTOCARS of the flight delay or cancellation at least one hour before the scheduled ABC AUTOCARS booking start time. They must provide documentation, such as a screenshot from the airline mobile app or website, that shows the flight issue to be eligible to benefit from this cancellation policy. If the client’s flight is canceled/delayed more than three days in advance of the booking start time, this policy does not apply.

Lost baggage delays

If the client experiences a lost baggage delay, ABC AUTOCARS will issue the client a full refund if they’ve messaged to ABC AUTOCARS and provided documentation. Specifically, they must notify ABC AUTOCARS no later 30 minutes after the scheduled booking start time, and provide photo evidence of a baggage issue.